We hosted an inspirational Maze MeetUp Event in Oslo – 3 key takeaways

Earlier this year, on the 14th of February, Oslo was filled, not only with valentine’s love, but with inspiration and network opportunities. We decided to facilitate an exclusive networking event where some of our most growth-minded Maze customers from the Nordics got together for one inspiring Meetup!

In this article, we’ll cover

For us at Maze, it’s important that we let our customer know, and feel, how important they are to us, and that’s why we keep investing in events like these. We stayed at a beautiful location in Oslo where representatives from successful retail chains shared their keys to success.

During the event, decades of experience was being shared across retail chains in different industries like fashion, optics and sportswear. And here are some of the participants’ biggest takeaways from our event.

1. Sharing what you know leads to growth

A big takeaway for us was seeing how open the participants was to share their knowledge with others. Everyone embraced the fact that if you share one valuable insight, you get several more in return.

It was so much fun seeing everyone sharing their experiences. Especially seeing people from different retail chains sharing details that you might otherwise keep to yourself. We could really tell that a great way to learn yourself, is to teach what you know.

Frode Berg, CEO Maze

2. Everything starts with behaviour change

The biggest takeaway for several of the participants was the fact that growing your store sales always starts with behaviour change. It’s easy to only look at sales, conversions and customer service, but you need to zoom out and start with the things you can control – supporting your frontline staff in changing their behaviour.

-If you manage to engage and create behaviour change among your frontline staff, it connects to everything else, Frode says. They can then improve the customer experiences which create repeat customers and higher sales numbers. It’s great to see more and more people realize this.

3. Seek to learn from others in similar situations

We truly want our customers to succeed, and we believe these types of events creates a springboard for them to learn things they wouldn’t have thought about otherwise.

-It’s one thing to have us as consultants, and experts to talk to, but is a whole other thing to learn from others in a similar situation, says Frode. It creates relatability and is oftentimes more inspiring to hear that if others can solve this, so can I.

We are already planning the next event which we look forward to very much. Our customer’s success is our success, and we’re excited to see what the future brings.

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