Maze Certificates​

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 (Information Security Management System)

«The development and operation of the Maze application and the handling of customer data in accordance with the statement of Applicability dated 21/11 2023». 

Eco Vadis Silver Medal (Sustainability Rating)

The EcoVadis Rating covers a broad range of non-financial management systems including Environmental, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement impacts. Each company is rated on the material issues as they pertain to their company’s size, location, and industry.  

Cyber Essentials (The IASME Consortium)

Scope: Whole orgnaisation. Security elements: Boundary firewalls and internet gatewaysSecure configuration, Access controlsMalware protectionPatch Management. 

IASME Consortium GDPR Compliance

The IASME Consortium GDPR Compliance certification is designed to help organizations demonstrate their adherence to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This certification process evaluates an organization’s data protection practices, ensuring they meet the stringent requirements set by the GDPR. It covers areas such as data handling, security measures, and privacy policies. Achieving this certification signifies that an organization has implemented robust data protection measures and is committed to safeguarding personal information. 

FSQS (Financial Services Qualification System) Registered

Maze Feedback has been awarded registered status on the FSQS supplier qualification system for the financial sector.

 FSQS provides a standard and simple mechanism for collecting and managing supplier compliance assurance information across the financial services sector. FSQS is currently used by 18 major banks building societies and insurance companies. To gain the registration, Maze Feedback took part in a two-stage process focused on:

Financial / Records Management / Insurance and third-party certification / Health and safety / Business Continuity / Environmental and sustainability / IT Security / Anti-bribery / Cyber & Physical Security / Operational risks / Fraud / GDPR / Responsible business governance


We are among a select group of companies who have obtained a AAA credit rating.