Møbelringen has the most satisfied customers in Norway

Møbelringen has the furniture industry's most satisfied customers. They claimed the top spot in Norsk Kundebarometer 2023, a research project that tracks customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Norway.

In this article, we’ll cover

– We’re celebrating all over the country today. Being named the best retail chain in the furniture industry in 2023 is a great recognition for us, and today we’re celebrating in 69 stores across the country, says managing director Henning Eriksen.

– At the same time we know that we must maintain a high service level, and continue to adapt our selection to those who shop, and provide attractive offers every day, to retain trust, he adds.

Norsk Kundebarometer – measures customer satisfaction and loyalty

Norsk Kundebarometer is a research project at Norwegian BI Business School that has measured customer satisfaction and loyalty among Norwegian consumers for over 20 years. In the survey, customer satisfaction and loyalty are measured on a scale from 0 to 100. Møbelringen scored 76.4 on customer satisfaction, and 79.6 on customer loyalty. Both scores are up from last year’s results.

– We use Maze to analyze feedback and the store teams read all feedback carefully. Next up is  to be in the top 10 regardless of industry, says Henning Eriksen.

Møbelringen has been a Maze client for years and we’re are so happy and proud that all their hard work paid off.

Next read: Learn how Specsavers got first class results using Maze.

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