Maze for the optical industry

Maze collaborates with several brands in the eye and optical health industry, like Specsavers and Brilleland, to improve customer experiences and conversion rates.

Use Maze for a number of positive effects:


Increase conversion rates

Raise your expertise and provide more knowledge than your customers would ever expect by using daily feedback to train your staff. By using the customer journey data, you can focus on proven key behaviours to increase conversions.


Get repeat customers

Maze supports your staff in delivering a high-quality customer experience – And high levels of customer loyalty are the result of positive interactions happening each day across every store.  


Raise team spirit

Celebrate great customer interactions and send compliments to colleagues. Maze provides tools and opportunities to raise team spirit, increase enthusiasm and build a culture based on staff wellbeing.

Some of our customers:

Success stories

With over 90 000 users globally, Maze is helping stores all over to release the underlying potential among their staff and get repeat customers. Learn how they do it. 

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The Maze App

A tool for behaviour change

Make behaviour change a fun and engaging process by using Maze as a daily training app for your frontline staff. Managers can set focus areas for individual stores and track their improvement over time. Then they can use concrete feedback to increase engagement and energise the staff, making them better at their jobs.

Create loyal customers

By offering better and better customer experiences, your customers want to keep coming back for more. Satisfied customers tend to spend more, return time and again, and recommend you to others.

Focus on your needs

Let managers set goals for each individual store, and follow-up to see they’re heading the right direction. Learn from other stores to make sure each decision is the right one.

Plan the right activities

What exact skills does your employees need to improve? How are the best performing stores doing it? Deepen your knowledge and give your managers the tools they need to improve the frontline staff and increase conversions.

Engage your staff

By using gamification, positive feedback and a continuous improvement loop, your employees will be more engaged, and have more fun at work. When your staff is engaged, the positive energy will translate to your customers.

Get the latest Insights from Maze

Learn strategies and examples of how to grow your retail stores through a culture of behaviour change. 

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Get started in only 4 weeks

Curious to try Maze? You can get started and use it for yourself in only 4 weeks. The process is very simple: