50% increase in sales since transitioning to our business model

Anton Sport uses Maze to continue to excel in customer service, while at the same time pinpointing specific areas for improvement.

This text is based on an article published in Retailmagasinet

In 2022, the leadership of Sport1 Holding, the parent company of Anton Sport, made a strategic choice to rebrand multiple Intersport outlets under the banner of Anton Sport. This strategic transition presents a heightened responsibility for each individual store manager.

The results have been impressive. Borgersen states that the converted shops have achieved a 50-60 percent increase in turnover in just the first month of normal operations.

–  We excel in follow-up, better than most in retail. We have many promising employees at Anton, hungry young individuals who deliver, says Morten Borgersen.

A key factor in boosting revenue has been to trust the employees.

–  We have given the former Intersport stores the freedom to make changes in the store if they wish. It’s crucial that store employees have the opportunity to do what’s necessary. The employees control their own behavior in the store, and how the store is perceived and looks to customers. It has given them increased pride, and it generates genuine enthusiasm, says Anton Sport’s regional Manager, Steve Green.

Listen to Anton sports experience with Maze:

Customer service is the at the heart

To continue the success of Anton Sport, Morten Borgersen believes it is crucial to keep the main focus on the customer and the customer experience.

– I think a part part of the success of Anton, which has been growing even stronger over the recent years, is due to the success of customer service, he says, and continues:

– This is at the heart of our company, and we have been saying that since 2001. It is about being seen. It’s about being measured. That is what Maze gives us. We get the answer right away.

”It is about being seen. It’s about being measured. That is what Maze gives us.”

Morten Borgersen, General manager and owner.

An agile and comprehensive tool

In order to improve the already stellar customer service, Morten Borgersen and Anton Sport have to put a magnifying glass on each small area for improvement.

– The best thing we’ve done with Maze is to track every individual employee, not just the store as a whole. Then you find the true improvement areas.
But a thorough approach to improvement is not all. Morten Borgersen also emphasizes and praises the agility of Maze.

– You can arrange something on a Monday then you will get the answer the same week. There is no planning for years at the time here.

He gives one example, where the results came lightning fast.

–  A store was doing really badly, where we had to go in and push a very hard focus on training. And now they’re well above the middle. All within a few weeks.

“With Maze, we save a lot of time”

But through all the work that Anton Sports has put in, there is one variable that never changes.

– No matter where you work, whether you are 20 or 53, you want to be seen. And you want feedback on what you do. That is the whole point, and no one can beat us there, says Morten Morten Borgersen.

Anton Sport’s regional Manager, Steve Green, agrees and adds that Maze removes guessing and gut feelings, and replaces them with facts.

– With Maze, we save a lot of time. Additionally, it’s measurable and, most importantly, easy to understand. We avoid having to rely on gut feelings, he says.

– It is possible to change attitudes, habits, and behavior in individuals as long as it is done positively, says Steve Green.

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Anton Sport was founded in 1932 and have stores all across Norway. Their aim is to offer Europe’s best service, well-known brands, specialist knowledge and good deals.

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